2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Enjoy 'Annoying Orange'!!!

I chose this videos because it's funny. Annoying Orange is very popular because of it's comic.I like this video because the Orange is so funny. My answer will look like baby's answer, but after you see this video, you won't say anything except funny and you'll laugh all the time. I know this video because of the other people. They were laughing and laughing during they were watching the video. I was so curious that I surf the internet right after that thing. I think this video is good because it makes people laugh. Laughing makes you happy, and it's also good for your health.
So I recommend this video to all of you!
This annoying orange is annoying like his name. He makes another fruits annyed. For example, he call the others name continueously even if they answer. There is a video about Cheese, Wassabi, Ghost, Orange in a game, Pasta,Tomato,Pumpkin,Potato, Green Apple,Apple,Bonsai,Walnuts and so on in my blog, as you can see. I enjoyed the apple most because I don't like apple, and it was good to see that the Annoying Orange was playing a trick on Apple. But if the fruits would see it, they would scream because of the knife Which is killing them all the time. 
Careful for the Knife!!! 

댓글 3개:

  1. Oh my goodness...you have EVERY episode of Annoying Orange all in one place! I like the one with Charlie the Unicorn. That's super annoying.

  2. there are too many videos!!!!!!!!!!! It is too slow

  3. I agree with saturn and mr.Garrioch you put too much videos!!!

    well good job and you want to see what is more cool? scroll super down!!!


    there we go my comment is : good job listing alll of the videos!
